




客 服 经 理:陈女士

热 线 电 话:0599-8606555 18065782137  

公 司 传 真:0599-8606555

厦门办事处销售经理:陈先生   电 话:13600947631

产 品 咨 询:沈先生     电 话:18459278164









  • 1.ASA共挤竹塑:

1.ASA co-extruded bamboo plastic composite:

  • ASA共挤竹塑(共挤木塑)系列材料,产品芯层采用改性PVC树脂、钙粉、并增加矿物质高纤维和优质竹纤维、相容剂及其它助剂组成,应用先进微发泡生产技术工艺,双机共挤技术手段,使材料弯曲强度、拉伸强度和抗压抗冲击强度以及尺寸稳定性得到极大的提高。

ASA co-extrusion bamboo plastic composite material (co-extruded wood plastic composite) series, products’ inner core use modified PVC resin, calcium powder, and add mineral fiber and bamboo fiber, compatilizer and other additives, applied advanced mucell production technology, the double machines co-extrusion technology, greatly improved the performance of products’ bending strength, tensile strength and compressive resistance, impact strength and dimensional stability.

  • 产品不变形、不脆裂,韧性、抗老化、抗冲击性能更佳。

The product can remain its physical character as non-defrmation, not crumbled, high toughness, aging resistance and better impact resistance.

  • 共挤层采用世界最新的科技成果,不含双键稳定的ASA高分子三聚合物材料,ASA具有很强的抗紫外线能力,颜色稳定、耐候性优越。

The co-extruded layer adopts the world's latest scientific and technological achievements and stable ASA polymer tripolymer materials. ASA has strong ultraviolet resistance, color stability and superior weather resistance.

  • ASA共挤竹塑材料可塑性强,表面色彩丰富,温润亲和,具有类似天然的高端原木纹理。

ASA co-extruded bamboo plastic composite materials have strong plasticity, rich surface color and similar to the natural high-end log texture.

  • 使用年限是其它同类产品的5倍以上,颜色稳定长达20年不褪色。

The service life is more than 5 times than other similar products, and the color could keep stable for 20 years without fading.

  • 其生产工艺、技术要求是目前公认的代表行业最高水平。

Its production process, technical requirements are recognized as the highest level of the industry.

  • 是户外经典园林景观的优选材料。

It is the preferred material for outdoor classic garden landscape.

  • 2.PVC共挤竹塑:

2.PVC co-extruded bamboo plastic composite:

  • 增强耐磨型PVC共挤竹塑(共挤木塑)是户外普通竹、木塑地板类产品的升级换代优选产品。

Reinforced wear-resistant PVC co-extruded bamboo plastic composite (co-extruded wood plastic composite) is an upgrade product of common outdoor bamboo/wood plastic flooring products.

  • PVC共挤竹塑(共挤木塑)材料芯层采用改性PVC树脂、优质矿物质高纤维和竹纤维、进口助剂与相容剂组合专利独特配方工艺;

Products’ inner core uses modified PVC resin, calcium powder, and add mineral fiber and bamboo fiber, compatilizer  and other additives combined with patented unique formula process;

  • 共挤面层采用改性硬质PVC材料并增添进口高耐候性色料独特配方,应用世界上先进的双机共挤生产工艺技术一次成型,材料性能高、品质优。

The co-extruded surface layer adopts modified hard PVC material and adds the unique formula of imported high weatherability color material, and uses the world's advanced double-machine co-extruded production technology in one-time molding, to achieve high material performance and excellent quality.

  • 色彩稳定,不易退色,系列产品栈道地板、外墙板、景观护栏、景观格栅、景观廊架等,已广泛应用在经典园林景观项目当中,使用年限可达30年。

Excellent color stability, the series of decking, exterior wall panels, landscape guardrail, landscape grille, landscape gallery frame, etc., has been widely used in classic landscape projects, the service life could up to 30 years.















剑源共挤木|ASA共挤地板·高耐候免维护 (字幕)


剑源共挤木|PVC共挤木塑地板优质景观材料 (字幕)




剑源共挤木|ASA共挤木塑外墙板运用集景 (字幕)